Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Wedding Wednesday - proposal

I love a good proposal story...heck, I even love a bad proposal story.  I just love hearing how that incredibly special moment went down in your history.  In fact, it's always one of the first questions that I ask potential clients when I meet with them.  I love to see them come alive as they share their story.  

This one recently appeared on Green Wedding Shoes and I thought it was too sweet not to share.  It had me in tears almost immediately.  This couple shares a serious love of movies, so the Groom knew he wanted to incorporate that into his proposal.  He made this short film and was able to sneak it into a film festival in Austin, where the Bride was attending what she thought was a night of independent art films with some friends.  Incredible.  

Love truly lifts us up, doesn't it?   

Proposal Video from Behind the Scenes on Vimeo.

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